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32 Abdoun, Yanal Complex, Amman, Jordan PO Box 942294 Amman 11194 - Jordan
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Business in Aqaba

Aqaba Business Meetings
Aqaba’s hotels offer fully equipped meeting and conference rooms that cater to all business needs. Hold your meetings in Aqaba and grant your clients and employees access to an exceptional beach and city experience. 

Business Team Treat
Aqaba is also one of the popular employee incentive destinations. Treat your team for last year’s excellent performance.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Aqaba Attractions

Al Humayma
Follow history from the Nabatean to Islamic times. Al Humayma is situated midway between Aqaba and Petra.

Al Sharif Hussien Bin Ali  
Al Sharif Hussien Bin Ali is the leader of the Great Arab Revolt and the great-great grandfather of His Majesty King Abdulla II. He lived in this house for six months after the First World War. In its rooms, the house exhibits a collection of rifles, copper and silver bowls, coffee pots and mills, and mansaf trays ( Jordan’s traditional mutton and rice dish).

The Ruins of Ayla
Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Ayla was considered the “port of Palestine, the storehouse of Al Hijaz (Arabian Pinensula)”, and an important resting place for Egyptian pilgrims on their way to Mecca. Now, Ayla is located in the heart of Aqaba’s hotels district.

Aqaba Castle 
This Mamluk Fort, known as the Aqaba Castle, was built in the reign of Qansuah Al Ghuri (1510-17). The fort served as a caravanserai for pilgrims traveling to Mecca as well as a military site. This site overlooks the public beach.   

Experience Jordan
Travel across Jordan without leaving your comfortable motion seat and enjoy the Jordan Experience Show. Tip: This is more fun if you are with a group. Jordan Experience Show is featured in Aqaba Gateway.

Aqaba was always a city of religious and cultural tolerance and diversity. Go for a tour and visit the numerous Mosques and Churches around the city.

Tal Magass and Hujayrat Al-Ghuzlan
Tal Magass and Hujayrat Al-Ghuzlan sites contain important remains linking Aqaba to its metallurgical past. Excavations at these sites revealed human habitation dating back to 3700-3200 BC.

Purpose Church
The Purpose Church is the highlight of the Byzantine town of Aila that dates from the late 3rd or early 4th century and is thought to be the oldest known purpose-built church.

History Museum
The Aqaba Archeological Museum exhibits an interesting collection of coins, pottery, and artifacts from Iraq, Ethiopia, Egypt, and China and provides insight into the city’s long history as a trading center. Particularly remarkable, is the milestone of the Roman Via Nova Traiana with its inscription stating that the Emperor Trajan built the road from Syria to the Red Sea.

Aqaba's Bird Observation
Aqaba is on a bird migration route connecting three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. More than 1.5 million birds cross Aqaba twice a year, presenting a great opportunity to see rare birds. The observatory hosts birds year-round, but if you are in Aqaba during the migration seasons (spring and autumn), you are in for a grand show.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

After Sun-Set in Aqaba

Beach Barbeque 
Aqaba Marine Park offers grill places, so bring the food and have the joy of preparing a meal for your family and friends on the beach.

There is a variety of quality restaurants in Aqaba whether traditional Mediterranean and Arabic foods or international, you can enjoy a different taste every meal.

Aqaba Events 
Aqaba regularly hosts international bands, singers, DJ’s, Opera shows, comedy shows, live music, traditional nights and many others. Don’t miss out, check the events calendar.

Night Cruise 
Night breeze, a freshly cooked dinner, and a beat to dance to all night long. This is a wonderful way to take in the Red Sea. Spending the night to wake up amidst the open water is a tempting option as well.

Party Out
Aqaba bars, pubs, and night clubs often host famous DJ and live music. Dance to oriental and international beats.

Aqaba Sheishah
Sheishah is locally known as Argeelah. Aqaba’s numerous coffee shops and terraces offer an assortment of Argeelah flavors to suit your taste: watermelon, apple, orange, lemon, or a fruit mix. Argeelah outings are one of the local’s favorite, especially over the weekend. 

Sunset Cruise
Be in the front row for a captivating view of the sun leisurely disappearing behind the mountains of Sinai. 

Take a Beach Stroll
Sea lovers will not get enough of the sea night breeze.  A walk in the peace of the night is trek for the soul. 

Beach Camp
Aqaba’s warm weather allows camping for a night or more on the beach most of the year. Aqaba Marine Park offers serviced camping area for tents and trailers for a small fee.

Beach Picnic 
This is a favorite for Aqaba locals, families take their home-cooked dinner and enjoy it to the sound of the gentle waves. Join the Aqabawi families for a sahra ala al shat (night on the beach).

Aqaba Parks and Gardens
Aqaba’s parks and gardens are scattered around the city and they offer benches and play grounds for the children. Why not take a walk or have a picnic with your family and friends at one of the parks. This is also a good chance to meet the friendly local families.

Moonlight Running  
Aqaba hosts an annual moonlit marathon. This is a great opportunity to see the city, compete, and possibly win a prize.

Aqaba Hantoor
A Hantoor (horse and carriage) is a pleasant way to see parts of Aqaba. So how about taking one to go around the city ans see its sights and sounds.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Aqaba Adventures

Aqaba Welcomes you
Aqaba is a fusion of history, nature, and city life surrounded by picturesque mountains and blue sea. Bathing in its year-long warm sun, Aqaba invites you to relax on its beaches, partake in the exhilaration of its water sports, and explore the coral reefs of the Red Sea, home to hundreds of different types of corals and sponges with their wealth of colored fish.

Aqaba Adventures

Whether your a professional or an amateur diver, you can go diving in over 20 diving spots with a variety of coral reefs, marine life, and interesting wrecks.  Some of these spots are accessible from the shore, others require a boat. Contact one of the diving centers.
Night diving! At night, the fish and corals take on a special beauty. This is suitable for professional divers.

You will be amazed by the colors and sea life you can see from the surface. Children can snorkel too, so bring them along. You can either rent or buy equipment at the Aqaba Marine Park gift shop, diving centers, or shops downtown.

Glass Boats
View the hidden treasures of the red sea from a glass bottom boat. Boats start their trips from the hotel beaches, the Aqaba Marine Park, and the public beach. This is a fun and exciting activity for all.

The Pharaoh's Island  
Go on a full day cruise to the Pharaoh’s Island in Egypt and visit Saladin Castle.

Visit the Red Sea Institution for Cinematic Arts (RSICA), the “first and only accredited M.F.A in cinematic arts for the Middle East and North Africa Region”. RSICA hosts acting classes for the public on a weekly basis.

Fly Aqaba 
Have a bird’s eye view of Aqaba. You can hire an ultra light plane for 30 minutes over Aqaba, and can also extend your flight to Wadi Rum or Petra.
Take a family or a group tour in a Cessna 206 over Aqaba, Wadi Rum, or Petra. Five passengers are allowed per flight.

Go Fishing
The Aqabawi fishermen usually leave at dawn and have a tradition of playing music and telling stories about their adventures at sea, throughout the fishing trip.  However, fishing is restricted to certain spots on the north beach to protect Aqaba’s precious corals reefs and marine life.

Up The Mountains  
Aqaba’s mountains enclose a desert of hills and adventure, rent a buggy for 2 or 4 hours and have a moonlit adventure.

Water Sports 
From having fun on a banana boat or a ring with your friends, family, or partner. 
Take a canoe and pedal at your own speed, relax and enjoy the sun and view. 
Speed up: Jet Ski, water ski, or rent a speed boat with a professional driver or even catch the waves and wind surf. 
Soar above the sea and take a breath of excitement, try para-sailing alone or with a partner. 

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Aqaba is a fusion of history, nature, and city life surrounded by picturesque mountains and blue sea.

Bathing in its year-long warm sun, Aqaba invites you to relax on its beaches, partake in the exhilaration of its water sports, and explore the coral reefs of the Red Sea, home to hundreds of different types of corals and sponges with their wealth of brilliantly colored fish.

Around its quiet streets and between its modern structures, Aqaba holds special monuments with a rich history beginning in the Iron Age, and continuing across ancient civilizations, from the Edomites, Nabateans, Romans, and Byzantines to Muslims.

A blend of cultures and traditions, and a long history as a trading center are reflected in the warm welcome the city extends to all visitors.  But that is not all, the striking desert landscape of Wadi Rum and the Nabatean city of Petra, among the World’s Seven Wonders, are a short drive away.

Aqaba, with its excellent accommodation and entertainment options, is an ideal hub from which to explore these sites.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mount Nebo

Mount Nebo is one of the most revered holy sites of Jordan, located 10 km west of the Roman Byzantine town of Madaba, for this is where Moses (pbuh) was buried. The site's association with the last days of Moses is described in moving words in Deuteromony (34:1-7). The episode of Balak and Balam (2:13-26) also took place here.

Mount Nebo is 817 meters (2,680 feet) above sea level, and thus more than 1km (0.6 mi) above the neighboring Dead Sea. It is a site holy to both Christians and Jews: Moses is said to have died on or near the mountain some time after God had showed him the Holy Land from its summit. 

You can still enjoy the prophet’s view today – gaze out over the sea lying under a saline haze, the ancient city of Jericho and, if you’re lucky, all the way to Jerusalem and Bethlehem. On Siyagha (one of the mountain’s twin peaks), you can see the remains of mosaics from a Byzantine monastery.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wadi Rum

A journey to Wadi Rum is a journey to another world. A vast, silent place, timeless and starkly beautiful.. Wadi Rum is one of Jordan's main tourist attractions being the most stunning desertscape in the World, lying 320 km southwest of Amman, 120 km south of Petra, and only 68 km north of Aqaba.

Wadi Rum is a very spectacular desert resort  and very famous for its high mountains and pink sand.  A popular tourist attraction for those whom nature provokes them to explore it and its desert beauty. 

As a desert area, Wadi Rum has its unique characteristic as a remote and peaceful area. Because it's located in the desert, you will find numerous tourists camps, which offer tourists with the special Bedouin experience in the desert and give them the chance to sleep under the stars. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Umm Qais

Umm Qais, situated 110 km north of Amman on a broad promontory 378 meters above sea level with a magnificent view over the Yarmouk River, the Golan Heights, and Lake Tiberias, this town was known as Gadara, one of the most brilliant ancient Greco-Roman cities of the Decapolis; and according to the Bible, the spot where Jesus (pbuh) cast out the Devil from two demoniacs (mad men) into a herd of pigs (Mathew 8:28-34)

The city reached its peak of prosperity in the 2nd century AD. New colonnaded streets, temples, theaters and baths sprouted. Meleagros compared Gadara with Athens, which testifies to the city's status as a creative center of Hellenism in the ancient Near East.

Umm Qais's charm still lingers today. A large portion of the western Roman Theater has survived history's upheavals. Vaulted passageway supports its rows of seats, built of hard basalt stones. A row of elaborately carved seats for dignitaries stand near the orchestra, and in the center was a large headless white marble statue of Tyche, goddess of fortune and of the city, now displayed at the local museum.

Across from the theater is the main colonnaded street (cardo), which was in all likelihood the town's commercial center. Also, near the black basalt theater is the Terrace, which hosts a courtyard, a church and a basilica. Further west of the Terrace and along the east-west colonnaded street (decumanus), ruins of the Nymphaeum, a bath complex and a well-preserved Roman Mausoleum can be seen. After a few hundred meters one can barely make out remains of what was once a Hippodrome.