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Travex Travel and Tourism
32 Abdoun, Yanal Complex, Amman, Jordan PO Box 942294 Amman 11194 - Jordan
Tel: 009626-568-6848 Fax: 009626-5686847

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


A well-traveled bridge between sea and desert, east and west, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a land of mesmerizing beauty and contrasts, from the Jordan Valley, fertile, ever changing, to the remote desert canyons, immense and still. Visitors can explore splendid desert castles, gaze in awe at the haunting wilderness of Wadi Rum, or bathe in the restful waters of the Red Sea.

Most travellers visit Jordan with its history in mind.  For many people Jordan begins and ends with the magical ancient Nabataean city of Petra, while it's true, Petra is without doubt one of the Middle East's most spectacular, unmissable sights, battling it out with Machu Picchu or Angkor Wat for the title of the world's most dramatic 'lost city'.  The two-thousand year old rose red city of the Nabateans, stretches up out of the rocks, the jewel in Jordan’s cultural crown and the primary lure for many a traveller since its appearance in the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Still, whilst its history is important, the small Kingdom of Jordan is looking forwards. Its relatively stable economic and political position in the Middle East has resulted in modernisation, with capital city Amman reaping the benefits. Foreign investments have flooded in and with new hotels, glitzy bars and restaurants springing up in their wake to accommodate this ex-patriot demand, the city is no longer just a base from which to explore the ancient sites, but an attraction in its own right.

Jordanians are a passionate and proud people and the country truly welcomes visitors with open arms. Despite being squeezed between the hotspots of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Israel & the Palestinian Territories, Jordan is probably the safest and most stable country in the region. Regardless of your nationality, you'll be greeted with nothing but courtesy and hospitality in this gem of a country.