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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Aqaba Attractions

Al Humayma
Follow history from the Nabatean to Islamic times. Al Humayma is situated midway between Aqaba and Petra.

Al Sharif Hussien Bin Ali  
Al Sharif Hussien Bin Ali is the leader of the Great Arab Revolt and the great-great grandfather of His Majesty King Abdulla II. He lived in this house for six months after the First World War. In its rooms, the house exhibits a collection of rifles, copper and silver bowls, coffee pots and mills, and mansaf trays ( Jordan’s traditional mutton and rice dish).

The Ruins of Ayla
Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Ayla was considered the “port of Palestine, the storehouse of Al Hijaz (Arabian Pinensula)”, and an important resting place for Egyptian pilgrims on their way to Mecca. Now, Ayla is located in the heart of Aqaba’s hotels district.

Aqaba Castle 
This Mamluk Fort, known as the Aqaba Castle, was built in the reign of Qansuah Al Ghuri (1510-17). The fort served as a caravanserai for pilgrims traveling to Mecca as well as a military site. This site overlooks the public beach.   

Experience Jordan
Travel across Jordan without leaving your comfortable motion seat and enjoy the Jordan Experience Show. Tip: This is more fun if you are with a group. Jordan Experience Show is featured in Aqaba Gateway.

Aqaba was always a city of religious and cultural tolerance and diversity. Go for a tour and visit the numerous Mosques and Churches around the city.

Tal Magass and Hujayrat Al-Ghuzlan
Tal Magass and Hujayrat Al-Ghuzlan sites contain important remains linking Aqaba to its metallurgical past. Excavations at these sites revealed human habitation dating back to 3700-3200 BC.

Purpose Church
The Purpose Church is the highlight of the Byzantine town of Aila that dates from the late 3rd or early 4th century and is thought to be the oldest known purpose-built church.

History Museum
The Aqaba Archeological Museum exhibits an interesting collection of coins, pottery, and artifacts from Iraq, Ethiopia, Egypt, and China and provides insight into the city’s long history as a trading center. Particularly remarkable, is the milestone of the Roman Via Nova Traiana with its inscription stating that the Emperor Trajan built the road from Syria to the Red Sea.

Aqaba's Bird Observation
Aqaba is on a bird migration route connecting three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. More than 1.5 million birds cross Aqaba twice a year, presenting a great opportunity to see rare birds. The observatory hosts birds year-round, but if you are in Aqaba during the migration seasons (spring and autumn), you are in for a grand show.